What Life’s Story are You Writing?
If your life were a story, what would that story be about? Nothing like a deep question to start us off, right? What got me thinking about this is a couple of things. As I record this episode of 99,…
How to Care for Your Soul
Do you have one of those people in your life who will sit you down when you need it? I didn’t think I did until one day, he sat me down and said, “Andy, in Spanish, we have this saying…
Some Advice from Job about your Suffering
This week’s message is just for you if you’ve ever wondered why bad things happen to good people. It’s inspired by the Arabic Ya-Adl, meaning something like just mercy, but in a meta sense that also is about balance, and…
Dare to find unconditional Joy when You’re Hurting
The theme for this episode is ecstasy, joy and expansiveness… I love joy. And let’s face it, ecstasy is in a league of its own… expansiveness, yes, please. Here’s the sticky part though. As I release these episodes, I’ve made…