a little yellow flower growing from cracked, dried up mud

Ashes, Dust, Tears, and Laughter

This is a short update after a really intense week. I have been serving as a chaplain at a local hospital, and the experience has been so intense, I just had to share what it’s like. (Don’t worry, it isn’t all sad, but it IS powerful).

Some brief notes from the podcast episode:

Ash Wednesday – “According to Rabbi Bunim of P’shiskha, everyone should have two pockets, each containing a slip of paper. On one should be written: I am but dust and ashes, and on the other: The world was created for me. From time to time we must reach into one pocket, or the other. The secret of living comes from knowing when to reach into each.

The quandary of interfaith chaplaincy to a variety of people

Dispensing wisdom vs serving

            Rachel Naomi Remen’s article: Healing vs Fixing vs Serving

How to pray – when that’s something that’s been hard for me to do in the past.

            Ironically, it hasn’t been that hard with patients.